Secure access wherever you work
Flexibility in work is the key to success today. With a modern workplace, you should be able to work from anywhere, anytime, without compromising security.
The right tools and user experience
A happy employee is a productive employee. We understand that each individual has unique needs and preferences when it comes to work tools.
Team efficiency
In a modern workplace, collaboration is crucial for success. We need to set high standards for user experience to work together seamlessly and effectively.
Unified Endpoint Management
Efficient device management
We provide cutting-edge solutions for device management, optimized for today’s workplace. Easily manage all types of devices, from computers to mobile phones and tablets. Our solutions allow you to centrally monitor, update, and configure devices, ensuring a smooth and secure user experience.

Enterprise Mobility Management
A flexible and secure workplace
Our security solutions are designed to provide your company with the best protection in a digital world. We focus on safeguarding users, devices, and data from potential threats. With advanced tools and techniques, we ensure that your company's digital assets are secure and protected around the clock.
Samarbete och produktivitet
Microsoft 365
Maximera ditt teams potential med våra samarbets- och produktivitetsverktyg. Vi erbjuder lösningar som främjar effektivt samarbete och hög produktivitet, oavsett var dina anställda befinner sig. Med stöd av M365 Apps och tjänster kan ditt team uppnå sina mål snabbare och effektivare.

Servicedesk & Support
Modern IT-support for employees & IT
We understand the importance of reliable IT support. Our helpdesk is always ready to assist, regardless of the question or issue. By offering quick solutions and expert support, we ensure that your IT operations run smoothly, providing your employees with a hassle-free experience.

Modern workplace
Modern workplace as a service
Let us handle the complexity of your modern workplace. We offer a comprehensive solution that covers everything from device management to security, collaboration, and support. With our expertise, you can focus on your core business while we ensure everything runs smoothly.
"With their deep knowledge and service level, Zitac has helped us become more secure and efficient. Workplace as a Service ensures that we always have full productivity from our employees without risking security."
Markus Duvell
"The collaboration with Zitac is very open and transparent. They are honest in their dealings with us, and we feel that Zitac is there to deliver a great solution."
Andreas Mûller
Endpoint Services Manager
"Working with Zitac has exceeded our expectations - personal, professional, and quality are key words when I think of the projects' we've had together!"
Hanna Larsson
Arlanda Express
Our partners
The modern workplace
With our modern workplace services, we create an environment where employees can thrive and grow. Our services focus on integrating technology, work practices, and culture to build a more flexible workplace that enhances collaboration and productivity. It’s about using technology to support employees in their work, regardless of where they are working from.
What is meant by a modern workplace?
What tools and services does Zitac offer for a modern workplace?
How can a modern workplace improve productivity?
Is a modern workplace safe?
How can Zitac help my company transition to a modern workplace?
How do I contact Zitac for more information?
Artiklar om Modern arbetsplats
Varför företag behöver enhetshantering för mobiler & surfplattor
Mobila enheter har blivit en integrerad del av vår vardag och arbetsliv, men med denna bekvämlighet kommer också säkerhetsrisker. Hur kan företag säkerställa att deras data och IT-infrastruktur är skyddade? Svaret ligger i Mobile Device Management (MDM).
Maximera flexibiliteten med automationsplattformar
När rutinmässiga processer störs av avvikelser som tillfällig personal och ökade arbetskrav kan det snabbt leda till operationella flaskhalsar om de inte hanteras rätt. Låt oss djupdyka i hur automationsplattformar kan stödja företag under perioder med hög personalomsättning, som semestertider.
Därför är Mac det självklara valet för framgångsrika företag
Utforska varför Mac blir alltmer populärt inom företagsvärlden. Lär dig om fördelarna med prestanda, användarvänlighet, och hur UEM-lösningar kan förbättra enhetshantering och säkerhet. Upptäck hur Mac kan öka produktiviteten och nöjdheten bland medarbetare
Free advice to review your workplace needs
Contact us.
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Do you want to know more about any of our services and how we can help you? Fill out our form and we will contact you shortly.
And if you think it's complicated to fill in the form, it's just as well to call us: +46-31-709 61 90